Cake It Up for Thanksgiving!

This month, I got the chance to test out some cake decorating techniques. The practice culminated into my first decorated cake ever with Wilton cake decorator tips.  Have you ever decorated a cupcake or cake? Post pictures!

Text says "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Text says “Happy Thanksgiving!”


Tilted View


Top View

The cake is a two layer cake. I leveled each layer and “glued” them together by putting a layer of icing in between. Then, I iced the outside of the cake while it was frozen (so it’s not as easy for the crumbs to come off and stick). Afterwords, it was all decorating! Everything (including the text) except the green grass was done using star shaped tips.

Click this link to see the inside of the cake!

So, the turkey’s eyeballs look a bit off, and I didn’t mean to tilt the turkey’s head in that manner…. but oh, well!

When I brought the cake to work, many people were vary about cutting the cake because they did not want to cut into the turkey. But after some time once people had cut enough around the turkey, there was no choice, and so the cutting of the turkey began!

Happy Thanksgiving! 😛

WordPress Family Award

Sorry for the delay! A few weeks ago, I was nominated for the WordPress Family Award from Ada of More Food, Please! Only now have I gotten my act together in life and gotten back into blogging.  Thank you, Ada! Ada has an awesome blog about food and restaurant outings and has made yummies such as pumpkin cheesecake! Check out her blog for the recipe and pictures!

This award was created by Shaun at

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award.

The rules are:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.
5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people that have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.

No questions to answer on this one! 🙂 Thank you, Shaun for creating an award such as this to spread the love around.

Here are my nominations who I feel are like family and have been very welcoming and fun to interact with in the blogging community.

– Ada, I would nominate you, but you’ve nominated me and been nominated…but…that’s probably not allowed. Haha.

LFFL: Loving Food, Fashion, & Life – LFFL blogs a lot about food and life…though I mostly read about her food, which all looks great! Every now and then, you get some random posts (e.g…. the joke post…hahaha LFFL)

Lorraine Reguly’s Life – I found the mystery behind the Liebster award on one of Lorraine’s blogs. She also has been quite helpful about blogging in general. Check out her blog for useful tips !:) Thanks, Lorraine!

Awesome Ashild – Ashild is an upbeat blogger and an exercise buff! Well, I’m only calling her an exercise buff because she has a 100 push up challenge going, which I totally wimped out of! Feel free to join her or cheer her on as I am! And check out her latest post on motivational messages. They are hilarious!

Thank you and Congrats to all~ 😀

Curse of the Shower Curtain

Ah…. the luxury of having a hot shower is mighty delightful on a cold day or after a nice workout. In fact, it would be grand if your shower head didn’t break.  Due to this unfortunate event, my shower head was replaced.   All appeared to be well until the next shower….when I was assaulted by my shower curtain flying into me and apparently intent on sticking to me so much that it even blocked the water from the shower head… Fail. Apparently, a new problem had presented itself… I can see it now.  Harry Potter and his colleagues have been beset with the siege of shower curtains. Apparently, Voldemort foobarred a spell and came up with a nice accidental surprise, and now the world is dealing with shower curtains that just won’t stay down and allow people to shower….


So, what do you do if your shower curtain wants to hugs you?

There are two ways to address this.

1) Modify your shower curtain, or

2) Modify your shower head by getting one with less pressure.

In my case, my old shower head didn’t spray as much water with as much force, and so I never encountered a flying curtain situation before. This new shower head was much more powerful and even after trying to adjust it to have less pressure, the curtain still flew up.  I opted to modify the curtain. Here are the curtain solutions.

1) Get a heavier shower curtain/liner. Some have magnets on the bottom and suction cups on the side. This may work for some, but apparently, my shower pressure was still too strong.  I bought the heaviest shower liner I could find. It didn’t work. The magnets didn’t stick at all, and the two tiny suction cups on each side of the curtain certainly couldn’t keep the bottom of the curtain from hugging me still from the bottom.

2) Reinforce your curtain with heavy objects. You can staple, glue, cut holes at the bottle of the curtain, clip heavy objects to the curtain. Heavy clips work though if the clips are metal you may have to worry about them rusting. The other downside if that there may be clanging noises. Others have tried heavy washers. Don’t try to put your shampoo bottles on the bathtub floor to keep the curtain from flying. The bathtub inside is wet, so the shampoo bottle will just fall. Besides, the weight of the shampoo bottle varies as you keep using the shampoo from the bottle! I didn’t want to modify my curtain and cut holes in it because the curtain is my mother’s….and she wouldn’t be happy if I did something to it.

3) Fold the bottom of your curtain over and sew in a line, then stick a tension coil in so you can prop the ends of the tension rod against the sides of the bathtub. Or… find a heavy pipe that won’t break your curtain and put it through the slot you made. The benefit of the tension coil is that it is extendable so you can adjust it. The downside is that it may not be heavy enough. The benefit of the heavy pipe or rod is that it is heavy, but you cannot adjust it, so you may not be able to just push the curtain aside depending on how long the rod/pipe is. However, now the pressure blowing the curtain will have to push the whole curtain together instead of parts of the curtain because the rod keeps the curtain stiffer than without the rod.

Tension Coil Rod

Tension Coil Rod

Many tension coil rods of different lengths

Many tension coil rods of different lengths

4) Best permanent solution: Get a shower door instead of a shower curtain. That shower door isn’t going to flap in your face.

5) Shorten you curtain and magnetize it.  Downside is that you can’t just slide the curtain aside when you’re done with your shower. This way, the curtain will be held flat against the wall because there is no room for the curtain to billow while it is anchored by the magnets at the bottom. You can use stick on magnets you can stick on to the curtain or, if you don’t want to permanently have magnets on your curtain, use clip magnets.

Stick on Magnets

Stick on Magnets

My Solution – Magnets/Sandwich Bags/Slightly Folded Curtain Bottom – Variation of #5

Clip Magnets

Clip Magnets

I didn’t want to permanently alter my shower curtain. So, I opted to find strong magnets. The two strongest ones I found are the clip magnets in the picture.

Problem 1: What size magnets should I use?

Solution 1: The larger blue ones were too big to stick properly to the bathtub on curves, so I went with the smaller ones.

Problem 2: Rusting – Since I was using metal clips, I was afraid that the water and dampness from the showers would eventually rust it.

Solution 2: Put the clips inside the sandwich bags. Make sure the opening of the sandwich bag is facing downward. You can seal the bag to make sure water doesn’t get in.

Problem 3: Clips too strong and might rip curtain?

Solution 3: I folded the bottom of the curtain up so that the clip was clipping two layers of curtain instead of one.

Magnets in Sandwich bags on Curtain

Magnets in Sandwich bags on Curtain- The Right Magnet is clipped on the side. The Left Magnet is clipped on the bottom.

Problem 4: Does it matter where to place the magnets?

Solution 4:
Yes. We already know to put them on the bottom of the curtain so that the bottom stays down. You also want them to attach tot he bathtub wall so that your curtain is as straight as possible.  At the left bottom side of the curtain, instead of clipping the magnet at the bottom, I did it on the left side of the curtain. This way, it accounts for the bathtub curve. Do the same for the right side of the curtain (but this is not necessary since the important part is the front/left of the curtain). The rest you can space evenly out on the bottom.

I used 5 magnets total! You can do it too! Just get clip magnets and sandwich bags!

Feel free to share your own curtain solutions too! 🙂  Do any of these work for you? Do you have flying curtain problems?